online shops, online shop, all kind, national and international
What is an online shop?
Online shopping is the process consumers go through to purchase products or services over the Internet. An online shop, eshop, e-store, internet shop, webshop, online store, or virtual store evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or in a shopping mall.
Buy online things you need and want, shopping at home is very popular and there are no opening hours.
online Shopping
a online catalog is also used, by analogy with mail order catalogs. All types of stores have retail web sites, including those that do and do not also have physical storefronts and paper catalogs.
Online shopping is a type of electronic commerce
you own a Online Shop? You wanna list here your national or international online shop? So Contact us, to get listet here.
national onlineshops:
No listings at this time for national online shops
international onlineshop
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Author: Fredrick Buetefuer